Undergoing a gluten intolerance test is among the best decisions you can ever make when looking to keeping your health in check. And this is attributed to the sheer fact that it serves as the ideal opportunity to know if you are gluten intolerance and make the necessary changes to your life before things get out of hand.
Just as a quick reminder, there are different types of gluten intolerance tests your medical practitioner might suggest. They include blood tests, endoscopy and biopsy, genetic testing, and elimination diet.
To ensure you return precise and trustworthy findings from a gluten intolerance test, it is essential that you prepare yourself adequately in advance. After all, the interpretation of gluten intolerance test findings may be impacted by potential confounding variables, which can be minimized with ample preparation.
You don’t have to push yourself to the limit while preparing for gluten intolerance test since it narrows to employing a few tips here and there, and you’re good to go. For a start, you should take it upon yourself to speak with a medical practitioner with expertise in illnesses related to gluten before undergoing any test. Based on your symptoms, medical history and personal needs, they can advise you on the best gluten intolerance test to leverage.
Prior togluten intolerance test, it is essential to keep consuming meals that contain gluten, more so if you’re considering having blood work or genetic testing done. When you avoid gluten prior to these test, then the diagnosis’ accuracy may suffer and false-negative findings may be obtained.
Rather than watching as this happens to you, be sure to strictly follow the guidelines provided by your medical practitioner on the amount of time to consume gluten before testing. It is then that you’ll avoid false-negative findings from a gluten intolerance test.
As we conclude, it is worth mentioning that some prescription medication and dietary supplement may affect gluten intolerance test findings. In this regard, any medications or nutritional supplements you are presently taking should be disclosed to your healthcare provider in advance.